Hello, friends and strangers ! I've been neglecting this site a bit, in favor of practicing my uke, but wanted to pop in to say I hope all are doing well in this time of pandemic and uncertainty. The ukulele community has adapted as best it can -- and with good spirits. These days, I'm recording new videos for
100 Days of Ukulele Songs 2020, leading weekly 90 minute jams with the
NYC Uke Squad crew and
teaching private lessons on Zoom. I've also been enjoying the many online offerings from festivals and ukulele teachers around the globe.
For your information, during these times of C-19 sheltering/social distancing, health worries, and uncertain finances for so many, I am offering my online lessons at a sliding scale rate of $30-60 (pay what is affordable to you), or if you need help finding free tutorial videos
let me know and I will point you to some of my favorites on YouTube.
Whether you're new to the instrument or an old hand, I hope you're finding time to play, and finding strength in that time of play. May we all play together in person soon!