Upcoming Challenges: #FAWM and #100DaysUke2023!

Hi, folks! Some of you have noticed I get pretty busy in December, when I post daily songs through January 6th for my Ukulele Advent Calendar. Though it feels like that just ended, this year, I've got two more "busy" ukulele projects starting in February that I want to tell you about, in case any of you wish to join me (or if you just like hearing what I'm up to)! One is brand new to me and the other is, by now, something of a tradition.

February Album Writing Month (#FAWM) 

Ukulele friend Ellen turned me on to this one -- each February a group of songwriters challenge themselves to write 14 songs in 28 days. There are lots of different ways this can look (not just a song every other day) and many mini-challenges (skirmishes, anyone?) and communities (had you ever heard of FILK? I hadn't!) within the project. 

One of the cool things about FAWM is that they have a central website where folks chat in forums, post their audio and video offerings (the site will even host direct uploads, for a fee), and listen to each other. The forums opened up a few days ago, and I'm having lots of fun reading about how others approach their FAWM songwriting. Curious about how it will go? Me, too. I'll be sure to share with Patrons.

See all my songwriting posts on Patreon.


100 Days of Ukulele (#100DaysUke2023) 

The start date for this years 100 Day Project was just announced and, for the sixth year in a row, I'll be participating. I'm also continuing in my role helping to lead Cynthia Lin's ukulele community members who choose to play and post along -- starting February 22, 2023!

You might recall that this has turned into something of a songwriting challenge for me. Though I started out only sharing covers, the past few years I've challenged myself to write original songs as well. Last year I wrote 34! This year, I am going to challenge myself to write every day, and we'll see how many I write! I'm sure there will be some covers in there, too, but my main focus is on building my writing habit by being consistent about it.

Just in case you weren't aware, the 100 Day Project is not just for uke players. Anyone can participate with any creative project. Read more on the global project's website.

100 Days FAQ: http://bit.ly/100daysukeFAQ

See all my Patreon posts on 100 Days