Leonard Library
81 Devoe St
Brooklyn, New York 11211
All ages and levels are welcome, but attendees should bring a ukulele each. Please plan to supervise any children attending with you.
The first 30-40 minutes will be especially appropriate for beginner-level players, and difficulty may increase after that point, depending on who is in attendance.
The NYC Uke Squad was created by a group of ukulele teacher Cynthia Lin's online students to bring her Aloha spirit and uke-love to the NYC area. Cynthia's YouTube channel hosts dozens of free lessons for ukulele players, and the NYC Squad will start off our jam by playing some of her most-loved beginner songs. Please feel free to check out Cynthia's videos online to get an idea of what we might be jamming to!
For more information, join the "Cynthia's NYC Uke Squad" group on Facebook.